Communications Brief review |
In order to further assist supervising officers with keeping frontline staff up to date on Force news and information, a "Communications Brief", in both English and Chinese, was introduced on May 15.
The Brief, which was designed to provide a summarised list to serve mainly as a 'memory jogger', is disseminated monthly via PEN. The Staff Opinion Survey 2000 revealed concerns regarding supervisory officers communication with staff, in particular the fact that they found it difficult to provide colleagues with the latest news and progress relating to Force initiatives and developments as this type of information was not only kept at a number of different locations but was also not always readily available for use. For easy reference, news and information are arranged in the Brief under different categories, including Uniform and Equipment, Personnel and Training and Communication. To date, six issues have been published covering the period from January 1 and September 30. They are also uploaded on POINT for easy access. To assess the effect and usefulness of the Brief, a consolidated list of the previous issues under three broad categories has been circulated via PEN. Your feedback will determine whether this publication should continue. Comments from Major Formation Commanders will be sought and you are most welcome to forward your comments to the Service Quality Wing (PEN address: "").
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