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A 19-member delegation comprising Divisional Chiefs of the Legal Affairs Department from various provincial and municipal Public Security Bureaux, led by Divisional Chief of Administrative Law Division, Legal Affairs Department, Ministry of Public Security Bao Hongxia, visited the Force between October 22 and November 4. The Legal Affairs Department is mainly responsible for providing legal advice and prosecuting cases. It also monitors the work of Public Security Bureau (PSB) officers and handles the complaints made against them. The visit was organised in accordance with the consensus reached at the 7th Working Meeting between the Force and PSB, held in Beijing in May, to let Mainland counterparts appraise the Hong Kong legal system, laws related to policing, Force procedures and relevant Hong Kong situations. Director of Personnel and Training Spencer Foo Tsun-kong received the delegation and gave an opening address at the Police Training School (PTS) on October 22 and hosted a farewell dinner on November 3. "This PSB delegation visit was most welcomed by the Force as we encourage the exchange of visits with our Mainland counterparts," said Mr Foo. "This visit to Hong Kong also provided an excellent opportunity for delegates to gain firsthand knowledge of many aspects of both the Force and the Hong Kong legal system." The delegation also met Senior Assistant Commissioner Sidney Chau Foo-cheong, Assistant Commissioner Training Yip Kwok-keung, Assistant Commissioner Crime Yam Tat-wing and Acting Regional Commander Marine Ng Chee-kin during the visit. The programme included an introduction to the Force's organisation, structure and management, Police powers and responsibilities, basic and continuation training, weapons and use of force training, recruitment and promotion systems, inspection and monitoring systems, complaints against Police system, station improvement projects, station management, Hong Kong legal system, DNA legislation, handling of criminal cases and visits to the Legislative Council, a court, Department of Justice, Correctional Services Department, Crime Wing, Marine Region, Police Tactical Unit, Border and Airport Districts, Tsim Sha Tsui Division and the Police Training School. The delegation also visited various places in Hong Kong in their own time to gain a greater understanding of the people and environment. The delegation left Hong Kong on November 4 very satisfied with the arrangements made for the visit and the Force's hospitality while here. The delegation was also most impressed with the management of the Force, equipment, training standards and the qualily of officers.
DPT Spencer Foo greets PSB delegates
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