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Acting and overtime allowances query

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(Translated summary)

I am a Woman Police Constable and was acting Sergeant from June 24 to August 5 for 43 days during which I received acting allowance and had to work overtime for 91 hours.

I have read Headquarters Order No.141/2000 Pt.1 regarding acting appointments and acting allowances and would like to ask what arrangements will be more appropriate for a police constable in following case:

A police constable has to carry out foreseeable and necessary overtime work during his day-to-day work and he normally receives an overtime allowance. However, if he is at one time required to be an acting Sergeant for at least 30 days because of administrative convenience, should he receive acting allowance or overtime allowance during the acting period?


Woman Police Constable Chan Yuet-ping

Personnel Wing replies

Thank you for WPC Chan's enquiry.

The Force's administrative procedures with regard to 'Acting Appointments and Acting Allowances' is governed by Civil Service Regulations 160-172 and HQO No. 141/2000 Part 1.

For 'Acting Appointments with Allowances', the minimum qualifying period is 30 calendar days. An officer cannot claim overtime allowance during the period he/she is receiving acting allowance and vice versa. Any variations to this rule concerning non-directorate posts must be approved by an officer of the rank of Assistant Commissioner of Police and in very exceptional circumstances.

Paragraph 17 of HQO No.141/2000 Part 1 also stipulates that an officer of the rank of ACP has the discretion to decide, with regard to management and/or operational needs, whether an officer is to receive acting allowance or overtime allowance when that officer is holding an acting appointment of 30 days or more. The acting officer, however, is not given the choice to decide which type of allowance he/she will receive.

WPC Chan's enquiries about her case have been forwarded to her Formation Commander for follow-up action.


Superintendent JPO Lee Wing-kong
Personnel Wing

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