Say 'no' to youth crime

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The Hong Kong Island Region organised a painting competition at the Police Training School on November 18 to raise the awareness of youngsters against crime.

The project was initiated by Hong Kong Island Regional Commander Yuen Ying-lam. A total of 34 teams comprising 170 Junior Police Call members from 24 secondary schools showed their drawing skills in the competition with the slogan of 'Say No to Youth Crime'.

Officiating at the prize presentation ceremony, Mr Yuen said that the Government and the Police were concerned about juvenile delinquency.

"Besides actively fighting crimes, the Police also try to nurture positive life values in youngsters through publicity and education," he added.

Participants in the competition could choose a topic from 10 themes including psychotropic drugs, triad society, shop theft, criminal damage, bullying and robbery, for their paintings.

Two teams from Shau Kei Wan Government Secondary School took the first and third prizes while a team from Hong Kong True Light College won the second prize.

The paintings will be mounted on the external walls of Stanley, Western, Waterfront, Wan Chai and North Point Police Stations.

Paintings to disseminate fight youth crime messages

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