Good news on line

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A contract for conducting a consultancy study on the integrated communications and information technology needs of the Force in the next 15 years was signed between Assistant Commissioner Information Systems Peter Halliday on behalf of the Police and Arup Communications on November 22.

The existing Force telephone network including the Private Automatic Branch Exchanges (PABXs) is reaching the end of its serviceable life span and will need to be replaced soon.

As it is the technological development trend to integrate the transfer of voice and data into a single communications system, the Force will take this opportunity to examine the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of installing an integrated telephone and data fixed communications system.

Arup Communications will study the existing Force communications and IT facilities and future needs. A user survey and consultation will also be conducted to collect and analyse the requirements of users.

The consultant is expected to submit a report by March 2002 giving strategic direction, benefits, operational parameters, system design and budgetary estimate of the proposed fixed communications system.

ACP IS Peter Halliday signs a communications consultancy study contract

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