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Maintaining a positive Force image

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The Force conducted a survey in 1999 to collect the views of the public about the Force services. The findings showed that the public held high confidence in the Force, regarding it as efficient and professional. However, some negative aspects were also noted, with some people having an impression that police officers were not prudent in their private lives and took unfair advantage of their position as law enforcers.

To follow up, the Force conducted a customer satisfaction survey in 2000. The results showed that members of the public gave high marks to the police services. More than 70 per cent of the respondents were pleased with their overall experience of contacting the Police. Some less satisfactory ratings, however, were found in officers' job knowledge in report rooms and their willingness to help when answering phone calls made to police stations.

These surveys showed that the public in general had a good impression about the Force. But the lack of discipline and customer-oriented attitude of a minority of officers may give the public a negative impression which will in turn ruin the Force image.

An officer's image reflects not only the quality of an individual police officer but also that of the Force as a whole. A police officer in uniform represents the Force. A good officer helps project a positive Force image while a substandard performer will tarnish it.

The public have high expectations of officers. We should be professional in work and prudent in our private lives. Imagine some officers contravening the Force discipline, eating in the streets, speaking foul language, reacting rudely to or simply ignoring a request for assistance, how can they project a good image? This shows that image is closely related to discipline. Disciplined and responsible officers project a good image.

How can an officer build up a good image?

Firstly, we must be dignified and proud of our work. We must firmly believe that we are a modern, disciplined Force that shoulders the responsibility of maintaining law and order to ensure that Hong Kong remains one of the safest cities in the world. With such positive working attitude in serving the public, we naturally project a good image.

Secondly, we must continue to promote the Force values and enhance the quality of our officers. We must be professional to meet the demands of the community. On the other hand, we must strive for excellence by readily taking up more responsibilities as and when necessary.

Thirdly, we must strictly observe discipline. This is the basic requirement. We must put into practice our oath: 'I will uphold the law and carry out my duties honestly and faithfully without fear or favour'.

Lastly, a Police officer must be caring. In fact, police officers should handle every request for assistance conscientiously, study each case carefully and strive to assist. This will definitely help boost the Force image.

All in all, we must try our best to project and foster a good image in different aspects. A good public impression of Police officers can help enhance communication and cooperation between the Police and the public and win wide public support.

Inspector Tam Ka-man

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