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PPRB's replies to the media

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  • A letter was sent to a Chinese-language newspaper on December 14 stressing that allegations made in its column of organised corruption and low staff morale in the Force were unfounded.

  • It was stressed in a letter sent to a Chinese-language newspaper on December 13 that the indebtedness problem of some Police officers was a reflection of the prevailing economic situation and that the problem was not particularly serious within the Force.

  • A letter was sent to a Chinese-language newspaper clarifying that the Police had properly handled a strike by some red minibuses near Ping Shek Estate on December 19.

  • A study of possible areas of corruption in district crime units had not begun, it was said in a letter sent to a Chinese-language newspaper on December 27, adding that the scope of the study which was expected to commence by the end of this month may be extended to include all regional crime units depending on the resources available.

  • A letter was sent to a Chinese-language newspaper in response to comments made by some officers in a column published on December 24 about leave arrangements. It was noted that the Force management attached importance to manpower and leave arrangements and that more manpower was needed during festivals for patrols and crowd management.

  • In response to a number of media reports published on December 29 on allegations by a blackmail victim that the Police had failed to turn up when the suspects visited his Wong Tai Sin home, a Police spokesman said in a press release issued on December 31 that the Police would spare no effort in investigating criminal cases reported by members of the public and that the victim had not told the Police that the suspects would appear at his home on December 28.

  • A press release was issued on January 1 stressing that the Police had adopted necessary and appropriate crowd management measures during the New Year celebrations in Tsim Sha Tsui. Commenting on reports about the 'scuffles' outside the Hong Kong Cultural Centre after the New Year countdown, a police spokesman stressed in another press release issued on January 2 that the Police had deployed sufficient manpower for crowd management duties and that the situation had at no time been out of control.

  • In response to press enquiries about the latest flag raising arrangements at the Golden Bauhinia Square, a Police spokesman said in a press release issued on January 2 that the Police would consider the views of the public to further improve the arrangements.

    (Please check PEN for details)

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