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Understanding public perception of police

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(An article by New Territories North Emergency Unit Police Constable Wong Lai-ming)

I love travelling because it can broaden my horizon and enrich my life experience. I usually travel together with my wife and friends on our own instead of joining a package tour in order to gain an insight into the culture and customs of a place. My recent tour to a European country gave me some thoughts about public expectations of the Police and I wish to share them with OffBeat readers.

When I first arrived in that country, I was impressed by its magnificent buildings, beautiful scenery and special customs. However, my trip turned into an unpleasant memory when two impolite policemen intercepted us in a street one night and gave us a hard time with various excuses, hoping that we would give them money.

This unpleasant experience gave me an opportunity to reflect on the role of Police officers. Being one myself and in constant contact with the public, this incident gave me a chance to be a member of the public. It helped me understand how people feel when they are mistreated by Police officers and what their expectations of the Force are.

We must continue to strive to uphold the integrity of the Force at all times. We should put ourselves in the public's position and try to understand what they think and how they feel. In this way, we will fulfil our motto of "We serve with pride and care" and maintain a quality Force together.

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