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PPRB's replies to the media

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  • A letter was sent to a Chinese newspaper on February 4 refuting an accusation that Police fooled the media by refusing to release information on a serious crime case.

    It was stressed that due to the seriousness of the case, any release of information relating to the crime would hamper Police investigations.

  • A letter was sent to a Chinese newspaper on February 6 pointing out that two patrolling officers, who were alleged to have taken a mobile phone found by a member of the public in Central, had carried out their duty in a proper manner. It added that the Police returned the phone to the owner a few days later.

  • A letter was sent to a Chinese newspaper on February 10 stressing that Police had not shirked its responsibility when a reporter telephoned PPRB concerning hawking problems in Mong Kok.

    It was pointed out to the reporter that Police would liaise with the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) to take follow-up action. However, the reporter ignored this and in an article accused Police of passing the buck to FEHD.

  • In response to newspaper reports which claimed that a new Police communications system would put users at risk of brain damage, the Force issued a statement on February 11, asserting that there was no evidence whatsoever that the health of officers was at risk.

    It added that the introduction of the Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) standard in the new Marine Police radio system in September 2000 had been widely welcomed.

    An independent study commissioned by the British Government last year confirmed that there was no evidence to suggest that the system posed a health hazard.

    (For details please check PEN)

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