Police booth a hit at careers expo

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Tens of thousands of visitors watched Police work demonstrations and attended briefings at the Force's booth during last week's four-day Education and Careers Expo 2002 held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

The booth, set up jointly by the Police Public Relations Branch and the Police Recruitment Group, was aimed at providing information to prospective applicants on the one hand, and enhancing Police image on the other by showcasing the quality service provided by different formations in serving the community.

Situated near the heart of the expo venue and with a scaled down version of the Tactical Training Complex at the Police Training School as the centrepiece of its design, the 36-square metre booth was one of the main attractions of the annual event.

In addition to providing information on entry qualifications, training and remuneration, the booth also featured briefings and demonstrations by officers from selected Police formations such as the Airport Security Unit, Key Points and Search Division and the Police Tactical Unit.

Visitors also had a first-hand look at advanced Police equipment including laser gun and breath screening device which officers use in their daily work.

Director of Personnel and Training Spencer Foo inspects Police equipment at careers expo

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