Contents Highlights

Force spearheads fight against transnational organized crime


Some 480 delegates from 30 countries and regions will participate in a four-day conference on the fight against transnational organized crime to be held in Hong Kong starting on March 18.

With the theme of "Bridging the GAP - a Global Alliance Perspective on Transnational Organized Crime", it is the first multi-national conference to be organised by the Force.

The participants, from a total of 137 organisations, include top echelons of law enforcement agencies, lawyers, executives from the banking and finance sectors, the academics and various other professionals.

Those attending include Director, Criminal Investigation Department of China's Ministry of Public Security; Interpol's Secretary-General; the UK's Chief Inspector of Constabulary; Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police; Commissioner of Australian Federal Police; Commissioner of Singapore Police; the United States' Assistant Director of Federal Bureau of Investigation and Hong Kong's own Director of Public Prosecutions.

Giant banner heralding the TOCC

Chairman of the conference organising committee, ACP Crime Peter Yam Tat-wing, told OffBeat that the Force enjoyed an excellent reputation as an active and committed partner in the investigation and detection of transnational crime and apprehension of itinerant criminals.

Mr Yam hoped that the conference "will be able to bridge gaps in areas where there are differences in the way agencies conducted operations, in national laws and in culture which often diminish the effectiveness of international co-operation".

The conference will specifically examine the threats posed by cyber crime, money laundering, changing trends in narcotic crime and triad societies. It will also include a visit to Hong Kong's expansive container terminal in Kwai Chung and a tour of Tsing Ma Bridge, followed by a demonstration by the Force's small boat unit in an anti-smuggling operation in Junk Bay.

There will be a total of 12 panel sessions, discussing the background, magnitude and scope for developing long-term strategies and co-operation in dealing with these crimes.

On Cyber Crime, the themes of the sessions are Policing the Digital Frontier, Cross Border Enforcement in Cyber World, Preparing Non-specialist Investigators for the Cyber Era and Cyber Forensics.

The themes on Money Laundering are International Co-operation in Confiscation, Restraining the Global Threat and Partnerships with the Private Sector.

Discussion topics on the Changing Trend in Narcotic Crime include Present Threat and Future Challenges, E-Drugs - Amphetamine Type Stimulants Epidemic and Rigorous Control of Precursors.

And the themes on Triad Societies are Triads in Business and The Reality and Myths Surrounding Triads, and Recognising Triad Punishment and Effective Enforcement Strategies.


Editor: Polly Ko: 2866-6171
Reporters: Winnie Ngan: 2866-6172
Frank Chuan: 2866-6173
Photography: Benny Ho: 2866-6174
Almon Suen: 2866-6174
Fax: 2866-4161
Address: OffBeat, PPRB, 4/F, Harcourt House,
39 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai.
Deadline for next edition: March 19

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