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Insufficient parking spaces

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I write to complain about the serious shortage of motorcycle parking spaces at Shun Lee Disciplined Services Quarters (DSQs). Shun Lee DSQs comprise nearly 2,000 flats, but there are only about 60 motorcycle spaces available. As there is no legal parking facility for motorcycles nearby, motorcyclists are forced to park illegally outside DSQs. I did complain about the shortage and waste of resources (there are actually plenty of spaces suitable for parking of motorcycle in the 3-storey car park) to the management office of Shun Lee DSQs in writing last November, but it has fallen on deaf ears.

Furthermore, before coming up with a solution, I suggest parking at the loading bay be set up as a temporary measure.

An occupant of Shun Lee DSQs


There are altogether 2,200 flats, 550 car parks and 52 motorcycle parking spaces at the Shun Lee DSQs. The number of car parks and motorcycle parking spaces in any building is proportional to the number of flats in the development according to the Hong Kong Planning Standard and Guidelines issued by the Planning Department.

Proportional to the 1,946 flats that the Force was allocated, 486 car parks and 45 motorcycle spaces have been given to us. According to the normal ratio, 633 car park permits and 60 motorcycle parking permits have been issued. This represents a ratio of 2.8:1, a substantially better situation than other quarters which enjoy a ratio of 4:1 to 6:1.

Whilst consideration is being given by the Government Property Administrator to possibly increase the number of motorcycle parking spaces, tenants are reminded to observe parking regulations and stop illegal parking inside or outside Shun Lee DSQs. Tenants are advised to make use of public transport or other parking facilities nearby should they wish to retain their motorcycles and likewise, vehicles.

Police Quartering Division

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