Force to tackle indebtedness
problem even-handedly

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The Force management takes a sympathetic view towards officers who become indebted due to unforeseen or compassionate circumstances.

Staff Relations Senior Superintendent David Ng Ka-sing told OffBeat that Commanders at all levels remained vigilant in identifying officers with financial problems early so that timely assistance including debt restructuring could be offered.

The Force Psychological Services Group also provides regular stress management workshops for officers with unmanageable debts in order to alleviate their stress arising from indebtedness.

Mr Ng said every case would be considered on its own merit.

"Serious disciplinary action will be taken against those whose efficiency and operational duties have been affected by becoming indebted through gambling or other reprehensible causes; borrowing money from illegitimate or unauthorised sources or having had unmanageable debts due to financial imprudence.

"Appropriate disciplinary action against these officers is necessary as the Force has to maintain a high level of discipline," he explained.

He stressed that the Police management was determined to maintain a clean and honest Police Force, and would continue to tackle the Police indebtedness problem vigourously.

"The Force recognises that, in the long run, building up a culture of prudent financial management and healthy lifestyle in the Force will be the best solution in tackling the indebtedness problem. As such, financial prudence remains a major theme of our Healthy Lifestyle Campaign," he noted.

A computer programme featuring a personal financial budgeting formula has been uploaded onto the Internet ( The programme, tailor-made for Police officers, will offer colleagues a suggested financial budget based on the input of their personal financial data such as salary and monthly expenditure.

The Force's personal budgeting formula on Internet

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