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We talked about the concept of learned optimism and the benefits of being optimistic in the previous issue. To refresh your memory, learned optimism refers to a style of thinking that good events are caused by permanent, universal and internal factors whereas bad events are caused by temporary, specific and external factors. In this issue, we will offer some practical tips to you on the ways to learn to be optimistic. As optimism is closely tied to one's thinking, our simple advice on learning optimism is that you should attend to your own way of thinking and evaluate it in terms of the dimensions of permanence, pervasiveness and personalisation. Ask yourself, when you encounter a good/bad event, how do you explain it? Is that explanation an optimistic one or not? If it is a pessimistic thinking, how should you modify it to an optimistic one? Imagine that you are criticised by your supervisor and that you are poor in obtaining statements. A pessimistic you will think that "my boss has never liked me" (permanent), "I cannot obtain an adequate statement on all occasions" (universal) and "I am incapable" (internal). Certainly, you will feel disappointed and upset with these pessimistic thoughts. On the other hand, you can choose to be optimistic to explain the event by thinking that "my boss is not satisfied with my performance today" (temporary), "I did poorly in getting a statement this time" (specific) and "time is too short for me to take a thorough statement" (external). Needless to say, you will feel more relieved and are hopeful that you will do better next time. A word for caution is that you should be careful not to "over-externalise" or habitually blame others when bad events strike. Sometimes, we must hold ourselves accountable when we are to blame for the problems, and then try to rectify the situation. You should see yourself in a correct way and take responsibility to correct your own faults. With continuous practice of attending and evaluating your way of thinking, you will eventually master an optimistic outlook. Always remember, optimism is something you are able to learn! If you are interested in this topic, please refer to the book "Learned Optimism" by Martin E. P. Seligman. Stress management workshops The PSG will organise a series of stress management workshops to be conducted in Chinese. * Date (choose one): (1) May 11 (2) July 6 (3) September 14 * Time: 8.45 am - 12.30 pm (Participants are requested to arrive 15 minutes earlier) * Venue: Police Sports and Recreation Club Sportsman Bar * Reservation: PSG (2866-6207) Thirty places for each session will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
Seek advice and help from the Psychological Services Group:
PHQ, Hong Kong Island and Marine: 2866-6206 (5/F, 111 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay), or Kowloon and the New Territories: 2735-3739 (22/F, Ocean Building, 80 Shanghai Street, Kowloon).
PEN: psg@police.gov.hk
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