First Mainland visit by SSGT Promotion Course officers |
Twenty-one Station Sergeants (SSGT) attending the Promotion Course earlier made the first visit to Zhuhai as part of the revamped SSGT course. The arrangement was a realisation of Commissioner Tsang Yam-pui's remark on incorporating visits to various formations of the Guangdong Public Security Bureau into courses for Junior Police Officers. The remark was made after the eighth bilateral meeting between the Force and a Ministry of Public Security delegation led by Assistant to the Minister of Public Security Zhu Entao late last year. The 21 officers were accompanied on their one-day visit to Zhuhai Municipal Public Security Bureau by Police Training School and Liaison Bureau staff. PTS Acting Superintendent, Mrs Ho Pong Yuk-ping, who accompanied the trainees to Zhuhai, told OffBeat that the aim of incorporating a Mainland visit into the promotion course was to enhance the trainees' familiarity with the Mainland's policing issues. Two trainees, Mr Ng Wing-hung and Mr Chin Choi-ming, spoke about their Zhuhai experience. Mr Ng recalled: "We were first briefed by senior officials from Gongbei Division of Zhuhai Municipal PSB on the overall situation of Gongbei and then we had a frank and open discussion with them on a number of issues such as handling of complaints against police officers, processing of evidence and procedures for taking statements." "We also had the opportunity to look at the various facilities of Gongbei Neighbourhood Police Unit (NPU), including its armoury, mediation room and cells." Mr Chin added: "The final stage of our visit was a tour to a private housing estate to observe how our PSB counterparts enhance crime prevention through close co-operation with the estate management." Both officers agreed that the visit had broadened their horizons and could further facilitate deeper mutual understanding between Hong Kong and Zhuhai officers. Mr Chin was impressed by Zhuhai Municipal PSB's efforts in community liaison. "To maintain a close partnership with the residents in the fight against crime, each patrolling officer is assigned to closely liaise with a number of households for which they are responsible. I think they have done a really great job." Mr Ng said facilities at the Gongbei NPU were quite advanced and he was particularly interested in the establishment of a mediation room. He said: "The mediation room is for people involved in trivial disputes and it gives them an opportunity to calm down. "A PSB officer will act as a mediator and both parties involved in the incidents will be allowed to meet and talk to each other twice. If they fail to settle the issues by themselves in a peaceful way, the PSB officer will formally take over the case." Both officers particularly praised PTS's efforts in arranging a pre-visit seminar. "Talks by two academics from the City University of Hong Kong in the seminar gave us a better understanding of the civil service system of the Mainland and how to interact with Mainland officials. The related reading material prepared by PTS was also very relevant and useful," Mr Chin said. Mrs Ho said that an evaluation of the visit would be conducted in order to ensure that officers' needs are fully met.
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