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Enquiry on salary adjustment

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(Translated summary)

I was promoted to SSGT in June 1998 but why is a SGT, who was promoted to SSGT one year later than me, is drawing a higher salary? Is there a pay anomaly as a result of the 1997 JPO Pay Review?

A Station Sergeant


Before going into the details of your query, I would like to first remind colleagues that the JPO pay scales adjustment introduced on April 1, 1998 was intended to increase the maximum salary points of Police Constable/ Senior Police Constable, Sergeant and Station Sergeant by one point to reflect the increase in the scope, responsibilities and complexities of the work of JPOs since the last revision of their pay scales in 1992.

The new pay scales for PC/SPC is from point 1 to 16, SGT from 14 to 22 and SSGT from 21 to 29.

Your salary as at April 1, 1998 at SGT rank was point 20 (not the maximum for SGT) and hence you did not benefit as a result of the adjustment. Following your promotion to SSGT rank on June 1, 1998, your salary was revised to point 21, the starting point for SSGT rank. One year later (1999), your salary went up to point 22.

The example you have highlighted concerning a SGT whose salary was revised from point 21 (old maximum point) to point 22 (new maximum point) on April 1, 1998 as a result of the adjustment. One year later (1999), he was promoted to SSGT rank with his salary accordingly revised to point 23.

An officer upon promotion will go to the salary point of the promotion rank at least one point above his/her salary point before promotion. This is an unavoidable situation where officers who are promoted before reaching their maximum salary point may be overtaken by those who, having already reached their maximum salary point, are promoted a year later.

The so-called overtaking in salary point is in fact an inherent situation where there are overlapping of salary points. This situation has been taken into consideration by the Civil Service Bureau before the introduction of the 1997 JPO pay adjustment.

Even though your salary is lower than an officer who was promoted a year later, you remain senior in the SSGT rank as seniority is strictly based on the effective date of promotion.

Superintendent Lee Wing-kong
Personnel Wing

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