Grading review of departmental quarters |
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A grading review of departmental quarters conducted by the Government Property Administrator concluded that 1,689 (13.5 per cent) and 127 (1 per cent) of Force quarters were required to be upgraded and downgraded respectively. The revised grading will take effect from August 1, this year. To allow officers a final chance to apply for quarters under the existing grade before the implementation date, the fourth Quarters Allocation Exercise for JPOs (JPO QAE) will be advanced by two days from the initially planned August 2 to July 31. All flats advertised for application on July 31 will be processed under the existing grade and successful tenants will not be affected. As regards sitting tenants of those to-be-upgraded quarters, they, too, will not be affected if they choose to remain to reside there. Once their quarters become vacant in future, they will be included in future QAEs and successful tenants of these quarters will be subject to the increased grade. The same principle also applies to inspectoratesÕ quarters. In respect of the fourth QAE for inspectors, its schedules remain unchanged with July 16 being the commencement date. For sitting tenants of those to-be-downgraded quarters, they will enjoy immediate rent reduction from August 1 onwards. The Police Quartering Division will process all rent adjustments and officers can check it against their monthly salary statement. Pen message calling for application for quarters under the fourth QAE will be issued separately around the third week of this month.
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