POC News

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I'm sure all parents will be sad that it's almost time for the kids to go back to school, so to cheer everyone up we're having a "Family Fun Day" on Sunday August 25. There'll be a huge Pirate Inflatable in the swimming pool (first time seen in Hong Kong), a Mini-Golf Competition, Arts & Crafts stall, Bouncy Castle, and more - so come on down, the fun starts at 11am.

The Vegan Dinner in the Grill Room has now been postponed until Friday September 6. This is a great opportunity to try Chinese Vegetarian food and listen to some fascinating speakers including Jill Robinson, the lady that saved the bile bears. The cost is just $100 per person, and forms are available from TSK Hall - call Noel at 2891- 4128.

Two dates for your diary . . .

On Saturday September 14, we will have a classical concert by the Hong Kong Wind Philharmonic Orchestra, followed by a gourmet dinner prepared by a Guest French Chef, Monsieur Jacques Dufresne. The price, including concert, pre-dinner cocktail, and five-course dinner with a glass of wine, is just $220, so book now at 2891 - 4128.

On Friday October 18, the famous annual "POC German Night" with great German food and entertainment - more details soon!

Don't forget the Playgroup restarts on Monday September 2. This will be a great fun opportunity for little ones aged 18 months to 3 years to learn and make friends in a relaxed and stimulating environment. Registration forms are at Reception, and you can call Louise at 9301-5254.

The Children's Playroom is due for renovation later this year - if you have any suggestions or ideas please contact us at our POINT Discussion Board or asst-manager-poc@police.gov.hk

TSK Hall

*New a-la-carte menu now available

Beat Cafe

*New a-la-carte menu now available

Verandah Bar

*Asahi promotion continues all month

* English version only

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