Knowledge Management: Handling child-abuse cases

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From now on, Police officers may gain ready access to the contents of the Multi-disciplinary Handbook on 'Procedures for Handling Child Abuse Cases - Revised 1998' by clicking to the 'Child Protection' column of the Knowledge Management Database System. The Handbook provides guidelines on the how the Police, relevant government departments, non-governmental organizations and other concerned professionals should work together following an allegation or suspicion of child abuse, in order to serve the best interests of the children.

There are hyperlinks to relevant Ordinances as well as relevant chapters in Police General Orders, Force Procedures Manual and Police Manual in relation to 'Child Abuse' that have been included for easy reference.

The database also incorporates statistics on child abuse cases handled by the Police over the past few years; relevant legal advice concerning the subject, as well as child abuse cases of special interest. Officers may also search for details of various training courses and workshops to be organized in the area concerned.

Psychological services provided by the Child Protection Policy Unit are also introduced. Officers can also gain access, through hyperlinks, to the websites of the Child Protection Policy Unit and several overseas journals that examine child abuse issues.

In addition, the roles and responsibilities of the Hong Kong Police in the area of 'International Child Abduction' and the development of the proposed legislation on the 'Prevention of Child Pornography Bill' are also included in the database.

(The above information was provided by Mrs Wong Chan Po-chu, CIP CPPU) For any enquiries and comments related to Knowledge Management, please contact CIP ES SQ Ms Josephine Lau at 2866-6958, or e-mail to

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