Force generosity is warmly received

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Force Information Technology Specialist, Mr Peter Turner, sent a thank you message to the Force: "I am more grateful than words can adequately express."

In an earlier edition of Offbeat, there was an article featuring 55-year-old Peter who was training to run a marathon later this year to raise funds for research into Multiple Schlerosis.

Peter's 29-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, who suffers from the disease, has been "overwhelmed by the generosity of Force officers and civilians," he said. "To date, they have contributed more than $12,000 dollars and many morale-boosting letters of support and encouragement."

Peter, his son Philip and also his daughter Elizabeth will run the 26-mile marathon in New York on November 3.

It is not too late to make a contribution. Anyone wishing to do so should contact Peter at telephone 2860-3492 or email

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