Getting to know all about you

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A party of community leaders will place more confidence in the Force after visiting a Police formation recently.

"We now have a thorough understanding of your duties and that has reinforced the strong confidence in which we already held in the Force." So said Chinese General Chamber of Commerce (CGCC) Chairman, Dr Robin Chan, as he and other chamber members said farewell to Acting Commissioner Mr Lau Yuk-kuen and Kowloon East Regional Headquarters staff.

They had just finished the first of the 'Know Your Police' visits, aimed at familiarising the public with Force objectives and operations, that are being arranged for groups representing various sectors of society.

In his welcoming speech, Mr Lau had emphasised that "the fight against crime and the efficient enforcement of law and order are based on society's understanding of police work."

Officers from Technology Crime Division, Organised Crime & Triad Bureau and the Licensing Office gave the chamber delegates briefings on police measures against computer crimes and triads, as well as the management of public order events. They were then taken to see the equipment used by the Emergency Unit and Police Tactical Unit.

Acting Commissioner Mr Lau Yuk-kuen welcomes the visitors
Delegates check out EU and PTU equipment
CGCC delegates and their Force hosts
Delegates learn about functions of various equipment
CGCC Chairman Mr Robin Chan presents a 'thank you' souvenir to Acting Commissioner Mr Lau Yuk-kuen
Delegates are briefed on police action against crime

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