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Using Master Document in Word (final)

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This is the last issue about the "Master Document" and I will talk about formatting of subdocuments, saving master documents and printing a master document.

Formatting subdocuments

Sometimes you may have to make some formatting decisions when inserting a subdocument. For example, when it contains the same style as existed in the master document, you will be given the option either to rename the style in the subdocument (Word usually adds '1' after the original style name) so that you can keep it or to have Word simply use the existing style name of the master document instead. Besides, if an incoming subdocument contains a style not in the master document template, Word will simply add this to the template.

Remember that Word will insert each subdocument with section breaks before and after it and they will only be shown when the Master Document view is turned off. However, you can change the section breaks or remove them if you like:

  1. To change it, set different options on the 'Page Layout' tab in the 'Page Setup' dialog box displayed when choosing the 'Page Setup' option in the 'File' menu; and,

  2. To remove it, select the section break marker and press the < Delete > key.

Saving master documents

Of course, you can open, edit and save subdocument files individually, but whenever you edit a subdocument file inside the master document and then save the master document, Word automatically saves changes to any affected subdocument files.

To save a master document, just press < Ctrl >and < S > keys simultaneously or choose the 'Save' option from the 'File' menu.

If your master document contains newly created subdocuments, Word saves the subdocument files with the names you use for their 'Level 1' headings in the master document. In addition, these newly created subdocument files are stored in the same folder as the master document.

Printing a Master Document

Printing a single large document from a group of subdocuments is another great benefit of master documents. You can print all document contents by printing from Web Layout, Print Layout, or Normal view. You can also print a detailed outline of it by printing from Outline view.

To see what will be printed from each view, simply switch to that view and choose 'Print Preview' from the 'File' menu. To preview a Web page in your browser, choose 'Web Page Preview' from the 'File' menu.

To actually print it from any view, press < Ctrl > and < P > keys simultaneously or choose 'Print' from the 'File' menu.

I will end this series of using "Master Document" by now. In next issue, I will cover another useful function of Word.

"Sharing IT as it applies to your daily life"
(Email address: "Daniel_KC_To@police.")

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