Contents Highlights

OffBeat's 30th Anniversary


The very first issue of OffBeat was published on January 24, 1973 and it has been in continuous production ever since. The anniversary issue, No 744, will be published on January 22 next year. It started life as a black-and-white monthly publication.

What was news 30 years ago?

The front page featured the 20th Anniversary Dowman Road Race which, of course means that OffBeat will be sharing its 30th Anniversary with the Dowman's 50th Anniversary. Special Branch Inspector, Mr Martin Rigby, won the event with the PTU Inspector, Mr Roy Bailey, coming in a very close second.

Also on the front page of that first issue was news of a 'pre-computer age' efficiency breakthrough. A new 'Crime Complaints' booklet, OffBeat announced, was soon to be introduced to speed up the recording and circulation of copies of each complaint.

The first ever OffBeat front page

There cannot be many serving members of the Force who remember the days before beat radio! And fewer still who can imagine policing without it. A Page 5 article brought the exciting news that the Force was planning to give beat radios to all frontline officers patrolling the urban areas. Nowadays, of course, coverage is territory wide and officers on the beat are in constant touch with supervisors and can even access databases to confirm the identification of persons questioned.

Do you remember when . . .

Do you have an interesting or simply amusing story you would like to share with OffBeat readers during our anniversary year? OffBeat invites serving and retired officers to send in articles (photographs if possible) which contrast conditions, equipment and practices of today with those of yesteryear. Send to:

Editor: Peter Tiu: 2866-6171
Reporter: Elain Chu: 2866-6172
David Slough: 2866-6173
Photographers: Benny Ho: 2866-6174
Almon Suen: 2866-6174
Fax: 2866-4161
Address: OffBeat, PPRB, 4/F, Harcourt House,
39 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai.
Deadline for next edition: December 10

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