Seminar on policing of families and juveniles

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In mid-November, Crime Wing Support Group Child Protection Policy Unit held a Thematic Seminar for officers involved in policing of families. The Assistant Commissioner (Crime), Mr Lo Yik-kee, made the opening address and the seminar was conducted by Superintendent (Crime) (Support), Ms Chu Ming-po.

About 150 inspectorate officers from various formations attended the half-day seminar which focused on five main issues, namely, 'Child Protection', 'Domestic Violence', 'Sexual Violence', 'Juvenile Crime' and 'Elder Abuse'. Under 'Child Protection', the 'Prevention of Child Pornography Bill' and 'International Parental Child Abduction' issues were also covered.

The seminar was designed to keep officers involved in the policing of families and juveniles abreast of the latest developments here and abroad in those five topical social issues so as to enhance their professional knowledge and ability in the provision of quality service to people in need. She also covered Force collaboration with government agencies and non-governmental organisations, multi-disciplinary working groups and liaison at the international level.

The Powerpoint presentation of the seminar has already been uploaded to the 'Child Protection' column of the Knowledge Management Database for reference by all interested officers.

Policing Families & Juveniles Seminar: SP Ms Chu Ming-po

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