Cash aid for schools in Hunan

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In October, Woman Superintendent, Ms Helen Kwong chen-mee, the Police Chinese Culture Club (PCCC) Vice-Chairperson, led a team of 16 members to Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, to make the donation of $100,000 to schools in the city.

The PCCC raised the money when, in March last year, in collaboration with two voluntary groups, they presented the musical 'Wangchaojun Pipaxing' in the Hong Kong City Hall. It was a box-office success and raised $180,000. Part of the proceeds, $80,000, was donated to the Police Education Trust and the rest to schools in Zhangjiajie.

En route, the team took a day-tour of Changsha before arriving, late at night, in Zhangjiajie. They were deeply impressed to find that, despite the time of their arrival, local officials were waiting to extend a warm welcome to them.

An official donation ceremony was conducted the next day during which municipal officials expressed their gratitude to PCCC for its concern and financial support. Afterwards, the team visited a special school for hearing-impaired children and were taken on a number of sightseeing tours.

Ms Kwong said: "It was a meaningful trip and our act was well received and highly appreciated by the municipal government of Zhangjiajie. However, the donation made by PCCC is not sufficient for the implementation of large-scale education programme. PCCC plans to engage in more fund-raising projects in the future to aid poverty-stricken children on the Mainland."

Police Chinese Culture Club members visit a Mainland school

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