Fruitful sojourn in Yunan

8 Photos

A 10-member delegation from the Narcotics Bureau recently organised their biggest ever visit to Yunan Province to exchange working experiences with their Mainland counterparts. The delegation, led by Senior Superintendent, Mr Philip Sham Wai-kin, comprised inspectorate officers and junior Police officers from four different sub-divisions.

"The tour was a most fruitful experience-sharing opportunity, "said Mr Sham,"and will strengthen liaison between frontline officers on both sides of the boundary."

Yunan Province, which borders Myanmar, Thailand and Laos, is a strategic transit centre for drug smuggling from the Golden Triangle into China. So, during the seven-day visit, the delegation toured strategic anti-narcotics enforcement cities near the border with Myanmar and saw for themselves anti-narcotics work in Kunming.

Station Sergeant Mr Lo Hin-fai and Woman Police Constable Ms Bonny Wong Wa-mei, told OffBeat that they had learned a lot from the trip and had been most impressed with the advanced computer equipment and facilities used to combat drug traffickers.

Mr Lo said: "The trip deepened my understanding of drug-trafficking and the current trends on the Mainland. We also established regular contacts with the Mainland officials for the exchange of intelligence."

"This tour provided me with a unique opportunity to learn more about the operations at Mainland border checkpoints with Myanmar," Ms Wong said. "I now have a better understanding of the enforcement difficulties presented to our Mainland counterparts along a very lengthy border."

Border checkpoint staff pose for Force delegates
Vehicles, drivers and passengers are all searched
There are many places to hide drugs in a vehicle
Delegates impressed by the good work of Myanmar soldiers
Samples of recent seizures
Well-trained sniffer dogs are essential frontline operators
Under-the-chassis inspection
Close to the border with Myanmar

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