Chief Executive attends Police Night

7 Photos

The Chief Executive, Mr Tung Chee Hwa, was the Reviewing Officer at the first of four Police Nights held on December 2 at the Police Training School.

The 200 guests attending included representatives from the Central People's Government in Hong Kong, the Executive and Legislative Councils, bureaux, consulates, chambers of commerce, other disciplined forces, the Independent Police Complaints Council and social organisations ranging from District Fight Crime Committees, Road Safety Council to the Junior Police Call.

Police Night was aimed at showcasing Police officers' professionalism and their dedication to and pride in serving the community.

Highlights of the one-hour event included performances by the visiting China Armed Police Band together with their counterparts from the Hong Kong Police and the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Forces.

Visitors were also treated to a drill display by recruits under training at Police Training School, as well as stunning demonstrations by the Special Duties Unit and the Police Tactical Unit.

The same guests attended the second Police Night at which the Commissioner was the Reviewing Officer. This event doubled as an annual spring reception for the Commissioner to thank representatives from various organisations for their continuous support for the Force in making Hong Kong a safe and secure city.

Two further Police Nights, on December 4 and 5 respectively, were open to members of the Force and their families. Representatives and beneficiaries of charitable organisations including the Children's Cancer Foundation, the Hongkong Federation of Youth Groups and Chuk Yuen Children's Reception Centre had also been invited.

CP Mr Tsang Yam-pui (right), CE Mr Tung Chee Hwa, Mrs Tsang and Mrs Tung
Two bands, One beat
CE receives General Salute from Police Band and Mainland Armed Police Band
Bands provide background music to foot-drill displays and skill demonstrations
Auxiliary Police Pipe Band steps out - and stands out!
SDU Team put on a great show
The band says goodnight

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