Exhibition on Further Education


Education of children is always a major concern of our colleagues in the Force. The Personnel Services Branch is planning to hold an exhibition on further education from April 26 to April 27 at the Police Sports and Recreation Club. The objective of the programme is to provide Force members with the up-to-date information on further education both locally and overseas. Also, depending on the response from colleagues, education consultants may be invited to speak at seminars so as to provide further information for parents.

To facilitate our planning, a questionnaire is appended. Interested colleagues please complete the questionnaire and send back to Mr Gilbert Poon, APWO via fax 2668-4115 or e-mail apwo-ntn-1-welfare@police.gov.hk . Mr Poon can be reached on 2673-5382 and is pleased to answer your queries at this stage.


(1) What kind of information on further education do you need? (please as appropriate)
a. Local Universities (  )
b. Overseas Universities (  )
c. Overseas High School (  )
d. Others __________

(2) Are your children planning to study abroad?
a. Yes
b. No

If yes, which country would you choose? (please as appropriate)
a. Britain (  )
b. U.S.A. (  )
c. Canada (  )
d. Australia (  )
e. Mainland China (  )
f. Others __________

(3) Please tell us the age of your children and whether they are receiving Overseas Education Allowance?
     Age   If receiving OEA, please ()
(1)             ( )
(2)             ( )
(3)             ( )
(4)             ( )

(4) Will you and your family members attend the Exhibition on Further Education held on April 26 (Sat) or April 27 (Sun) at PSRC?
a. Yes
b. No
If yes, please state number of participants ______

(5) Other suggestions : ___________________________________________________

Name/Rank : ___________________ Contact Phone No: ________________

Posting : ___________________

The data collected in this questionnaire are solely for the planning of the Exhibition on Further Education.

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