Joint push at district level
succeeded in reducing crime

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Harmonious Police-community relations and good liaison work are the key factors leading to a reduction in the crime rate, according to two vice-chairmen of District Councils (DC).

DC members, having regular contacts with residents, mutual aid committees and owners' incorporations, are often good partners in explaining Police work.

OffBeat Issue 745 has already reported that the excellent work of Yau Tsim and Sha Tin Police Districts received commendations from DC vice-chairmen Mr Ip Kwok-chung and Mr Pang Cheung-wai.

OffBeat talked to them and asked them to outline the importance of the partnership relationship between the Police and the District Council.

Mr Ip, who is the Yau Tsim Mong DC Vice-Chairman and the District Fight Crime Committee (DFCC) Chairman, said co-operation between the Police and District Council is of paramount important.

He stressed that communication was not limited to meetings and could take many forms. Having lunch together or making a phone call were equally effective in improving communication.

"The relationship between the District Council and the Mong Kok and Yau Tsim Police Districts is very good and close," he said.

"These two Police Districts often invite members of the DFCC and the DC to briefings and lunches. Day-to-day contacts of this nature facilitate communication and make it easier for the Police to put their message across."

Mr Ip said the two Police Districts' stress on the Police-community relationship had contributed to the drop in the crime rate. In the Yau Tsim District alone, the overall crime figure had dropped from 6,588 in 2000 to 6,011 in 2002. He was particularly pleased to see that the number of pickpocketing offences had dropped by 64 per cent.

Good community work is essential for Yau Tsim Mong District as there are numerous mixed residential and commercial buildings that receive a large number of visitors.

Citing an example of how a good relationship with the community resulted in prompt Police action, he said: "I handled several complaints from residents about drug trafficking in some old buildings. These buildings don't have security guards and it isn't easy for outsiders to detect what is happening inside. Only residents living there can spot illicit activities of that nature. Upon receiving complaints from residents, I called the Police and officers promptly took action and brought the culprits to justice."

In Sha Tin District, DC Vice-Chairman and DFCC Chairman Mr Pang Cheung-wai praised the excellent work of the Police in maintaining law and order in the area. He said that, in 2002, this had resulted in a significant 15.4 per cent drop in crime and the crime detection rate was as high as 50 per cent.

Mr Pang said the establishment of different task forces in response to different types of serious crimes, such as juvenile delinquency and theft of or from vehicles, had also helped to increase Force effectiveness.

Apart from Junior Police Call activities, he said, Police stations also organised many crime prevention seminars for DFCC members, school principals, social workers, district leaders and residents and all these in turn help the Police in fighting crime.

"The close relationship between the DC, DFCC and the Police can help disseminate Police messages and arouse public awareness in crime prevention," he added.

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