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Using the Writing Tools of Word (4)

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You can control the behavior of the spelling and grammar checkers by setting options. To display the 'Spelling & Grammar' options, choose 'Options' from the 'Tools' menu and click the 'Spelling & Grammar' tab, or click the 'Options' button in the 'Spelling & Grammar' dialog box.

As seen in the dialog box, the options are divided into 'Spelling' and 'Grammar' areas. Except for the 'Recheck Document' button, all of the options affect the behaviour of the spelling and grammar checkers in every document, not just the current working document.

Below describes each global spelling and grammar options found:

Option Name Description
Check spelling as you type Switch on automatic spelling checker.
Hide spelling errors in this document Hide wavy red underlines.
Always suggest corrections Ask Word to suggest proper spellings.
Suggest from main dictionary only Select it to tell Word not to use custom dictionary for suggestions.
Ignore words in UPPERCASE Word ignores acronyms or other words with all uppercase letters.
Ignore words with numbers Word ignores words with numbers in them, such as PR1123.
Ignore Internet and file addresses Word ignores Web and e-mail addresses and file pathnames.
Custom Dictionary1 Select the custom dictionary to which words are added during a check.
Dictionaries View or change installed custom dictionaries.
Check grammar as you type Switch on automatic grammar checking.
Hide grammatical errors in this document Hide wavy green underlines in document.
Check grammar with spelling Clear it to check spelling only.
Show readability statistics2 Display readability statistics at the end of a grammar check.
Check Document / Recheck Document3 Check the document using the current options.
Writing Style4 Select a writing style for Word to use as a guide when evaluating grammar.
Settings Select grammar rules and style options to modify a particular writing style.

When you click the 'Recheck Document' button, Word rechecks the entire document again using the new options you have set and clears the lists of words or grammar problems you chose to ignore during the previous check.


custom dictionary1: it contains words you add as you work. You can also buy and install custom dictionaries, which contain predefined collections of technical or industry-specific terms.

readability statistics2: they are shown in a window and about not only the document length but also standard readability measures such as average sentence length, reading grade level, and percentage of passive sentences.

Check Document / Recheck Document3: When you have not checked the document spelling before, the 'Recheck Document' button is named as 'Check Document'.

Writing Style4: It shows the current writing style that Word is using as a guide for spotting stylistic problems.

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