Taking off into the wild blue yonder |
The Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps (HKACC) is one of the 10 uniformed groups under the aegis of the Home Affairs Bureau. The HKACC introduced the 'Disciplined Services Volunteer Scheme' (DSVS) last year to attract Force members who are keenly interested in acquiring knowledge about aviation, and are willing to spend their free time in the training of young air cadets aged 11 to 21. After attending an exhibition at the Police Sports & Recreation Club on December 15, 2002, over 20 Force members from constable to senior inspector expressed their interest in serving. In March 2003, they were formally enrolled as HKACC senior members under the DSVS and were conferred ranks comparable to their respective one in the Force, ranging from Instructor to Flying Officer. Upon commencement of DSVS training, Force members were joined by officers from the Customs & Excise Department, Immigration Department, and the Government Flying Services. The group underwent an Education & Manpower Bureau recognised core-training programme comprising five Sunday sessions to acquire basic knowledge of the organisation and history of HKACC, and fundamental knowledge required for cadet instructional duties. The completion of the programme was marked by a Passing Out Parade held at the former Kai Tak Airport on June 8 this year. The Deputy Secretary of Security cum Controller, Government Flying Services, Captain Brian Butt, reviewed the Parade. Interested regular and auxiliary colleagues who wish to volunteer for community service as a member of the Air Cadets, and at the same time undergo aviation education courses such as flying, glider, radio controlled model aircraft and parachuting training, may in the first instance contact the Staff Officer, HKACC, at mailto:hq@aircadets.org.hk or 2762-1793 (ref: DSVS), citing name, Force rank, contact number and e-mail address. They may also wish to visit the HKACC homepage at www.aircadets.org.hk for further information.
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