SARS Support Group |
The outbreak of the SARS in Hong Kong infected a number of officers in the Force and their families. Happily all those infected recovered and most of them are already back at work or school. Through their individual experiences and crises, they have a new understanding and evaluation of various aspects of life, family, career and health. To help Force members and their families recovering from SARS, the Personnel Services Branch has organised a Support Group in a bid to strengthen their health and to enhance their ability in coping with adversity. Welfare officers, medical specialists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nursing officers, clinical psychologists, Chinese herbalists, Tai Chi master and professor of a local university were invited to conduct thematic talks, demonstrations and discussions. The Group members have attended three-day meetings on July 2, 9 and 16. The Group was well received by the participating Force members and their families. All Group members have expressed their desire to offer mutual care, support and encouragement in the three meetings. They have also gained knowledge on health care, stress management and coping skills in facing adversity through the Support Group.
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