Project Sydrug

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The Narcotics Bureau has been working closely with overseas counterparts in disrupting and dismantling drug trafficking and money laundering activities. Late last July, two officers from Interpol briefed Narcotics Bureau (NB) officers and locally based counterparts on a new project to tackle synthetic drugs.

In addition to the many NB officers in attendance, there were participants from Hong Kong Customs & Excise Department, the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, the United Kingdom Customs and the National Police Agency of Japan.

The two speakers, one from Interpol General Secretariat in Lyons France and the other from the Interpol Liaison Office for South East Asia based in Bangkok, gave a briefing on a new project titled Sydrug.

Abuse of synthetic drugs such as ecstasy, ketamine and methamphetamine have been increasing in many parts of the world in recent years. Project Sydrug aims to assist law enforcement agencies around the world in pooling information in order to effectively tackle trafficking in synthetic drugs. After a most interesting presentation, participants went away with a determination to enhance international cooperation in the fight against synthetic drug trafficking and abuse.

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