Boxing funds Outward Bound Breakthrough

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The yearly success of the Police Boxing Night as hosted by the Police Officers' Club (POC) seems to have started something of a boxing revival wave in Hong Kong. More and more young people are being attracted to the sport and are consequently seeing the benefits of a discipline that requires a combination of fitness, coordination and courage in order to be successful.

The POC has also proven the immense attraction of boxing as a spectator sport, particularly amateur boxing which emphasises safety and promotes point scoring through accurate punching as opposed to the professional approach of physical dominance through bruising blows.

This was emphasised on July 19 when the POC again hosted a boxing evening for fighters from the Police Boxing Club (PBC) and the Breakthrough Boxing Club (BBC) against three other local clubs. The event was held in the sports hall, which afforded a far more informal approach including free entry. Attendance was well over 200 with a great partisan atmosphere provided by the supporters of the various clubs. The Police and Breakthrough fighters acquitted themselves well against some seasoned opposition managing to win four of the eight bouts and also the Best Fighter of the Night award.

Recognising the potential of the sport, the British Chamber of Commerce will host a boxing night in November. The event will be organised by the BBC but the fighters will come from the PBC and BBC who will take on other clubs in Hong Kong. More importantly, money will be raised which take the Breakthrough project into its next phase where it will work in tandem with the Outward Bound organisation to send targeted youths at risk on Outward Bound style camps.

It is hoped that a trust fund will soon be set up relying principally on the British Chamber of Commerce and the Scottish Business Group that will oversee the financial side of putting kids through the programme. The police volunteers of course will continue to provide valuable input and the youths that are selected will come from the BBC after they have proved themselves worthy of this unique opportunity.

But don't let any of this worry you! The POC will continue to bring you the social event of the year in and next time it will be better than ever. It is intended to have the inaugural Police Championships where fighters will be contesting for the right to be crowned champion in their respective weight division. Will Big Dan 'Even Bigger' Lawley continue his impressive display from last year when he takes on Chris 'Fighting Irish' Pedder for the heavyweight title, will the people's loser BJ 'The Haddock' Smith take the middleweight title against Simon 'Fists like Hammers' Southgate. One thing we can rely on is the presence of master the MC himself 'Willo', although how he will be dressed remains a tightly guarded secret! For further details watch this space.

Boxing matches will fund further Outward Bound Breakthrough training courses

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