Consolidated hotline system launched

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Under a consolidated hotline system just launched by the Communications (COMMS) Branch, the public will eventually need to dial only one telephone number for any enquiry that they may have.

The Communications Branch has just launched phase I of the Consolidated Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS), covering police licensing matters.

At present, the Force operates eight different enquiry hotlines, but on full implementation of the new system some time next year, a single number will replace all the hotline numbers for all sorts of enquiries.

The centralised hotline number of the new system will be publicised in due course.

The main objectives of the new IVRS are to offer better services to the public, to further improve efficiency and to save manpower, management, and maintenance resources, according to COMMS Branch's Tele-communications Engineer, Mr Fred Lam Wing-chak.

As it is the case of the existing hotlines, messages of the new system will be recorded in Cantonese, Putonghua and English. But all the voice scripts of the new system will be recorded in the voice of an Executive Officer working in the COMMS Branch, Ms Phoebe Ng Hoi-ling, instead of contracting out the recording work, which is estimated to cost more than $300,000 on this occasion.

Mr Lam said Ms Ng had been chosen for the recording job for her voice's "excellent qualities", namely clarity, accurate pronunciation and eloquence.

The voice scripts for the updated messages on police licensing matters have run into more than 60 pages, and it has taken Ms Ng many rehearsals before completing the whole recording job.

COMMS Branch's Tele-communications Engineer Mr Fred Lam Wing-chak and Executive Officer Ms Phoebe Ng Hoi-ling

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