PTS rolls up its green sleeves

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OffBeat recently revisited Police Training Shool (PTS) to provide an update on its "Green lifestyle".

To exemplify its commitments towards attaining an excellent standard of Green Management, PTS staged a second Green Awareness Exhibition at the New Teaching Block on September 15. The Commandant PTS, Mr Ng Man-kim, opened the exhibition, assisted by the Chairman of the PTS Green Management Committee, Mr Mark Buxton, who was accompanied by all members of the committee.

On display is a variety of material-saving initiatives such as waste containers made out of old wooden PTS furniture, seats made out of used tin cans and a variety of other innovative products based on the recycling of waste materials.

Also under review are more "Green" initiatives and projects such as the construction of a PTS nature trail, the development of organic composting and exploring opportunities of developing partner synergy with external organisations. Car-pooling is also being actively encouraged.

The Green Management Committee has had the full support of "E" Department which arranged the purchase of a can and bottle-crushing machine, which is now in place. Furthermore, the Director of Finance, Administration and Planning, who is the Chairman of the Steering Group on Green Management in the Force, has approved funds for the purchase of one solar powered digital notice board. This aims to demonstrate the application of an environmentally friendly energy source able to display green messages and other pertinent information.

The "Green momentum" rolled on, with a visit to the Green Exhibition by Commissioner Mr Tsang Yam-pui on September 17.

Commenting on the exhibition, Mr Buxton said: "The success in focusing on Green matters requires a conscientious team effort and a collective commitment to high standards of environmental excellence.

"A multitude of responsible Green Leaders have recently been appointed by the Commandant PTS in order to support the efforts of the Green Management Committee in implementing innovations," he added.

Further visits by the Assistant Commissioner (Training), Mr David Thomas, also confirmed Training Wing's commitment to Green initiatives. He was deeply impressed with the array of recycled articles and innovative products on display, and also took time to visit the Organic Garden.

As a result of the CP's visit, inputs from ACP (Training), and another recent visit from the People's Republic of China by Directorate Officers of Prefecture and Municipal Public Security Bureau (PSB), it is now evident that PTS has a valuable opportunity to act as an important environmental role model. Its importance serves as both an educational venue for Green Management for the Hong Kong community and a good working example to visitors from outside the territory. Indeed the 78 members of the PSB delegation, who are staying at PTS for the Selective Tactics Instructor Course, were also briefed on Green concepts and environmental awareness issues.

The next time you are visiting PTS, why not take the opportunity to have a look at the Green Exhibition. Your Force needs you in helping us to pass on the Green message to your colleagues, friends and families.

PTS Commandant Mr Ng Man-kim opens the exhibition
On display is a variety of material-saving initiatives
The Organic Garden is one of the green efforts of PTS
PTS is committed to attaining an excellent standard of Green Management
PSB delegates view the Green Corner

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