Urgent call to Force athletes

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Calling all athletes - especially those who have previously won a medal at the annual Police Athletics Championships!

You are urged to join the Force's team for the Corporate Games Track and Field Competition, which will take place on Saturday and Sunday, January 10 and 11, 2004 at Hammer Hill Sports Ground and Kowloon Bay Sports Ground.

Force athletes are required for the following three age categories :

* Men's A Grade - Aged 35 or above;

* Men's B Grade - Aged 34 or below, and

* Women's Open - No age limits.

The events will be as follow (each athlete may enter a maximum of two individual events - not including relays):

* 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, 4x100m, 4x400m,

* High Jump, Long Jump, Shot Put, Javelin, Discus

Any officers or civilians who wish to take part may register at the Police Athletics Club website on POINT: http://ux37phq.hpf.gov.hk:8088/bbs/clubs/athletics , or send applications to SIP Chris Irvine, PSUC 2 YMT by dispatch, fax (2388-7314), or e-mail: casirvine@police.gov.hk

Further information may be obtained from the Police Athletics Club website on POINT, or the Leisure & Cultural Services Department website : http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/LEISURE/LM/parks/sp2/cgame/b5/index.html.

The deadline for entries is November 3.

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