E-reports processing streamlined

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To ensure e-reports received by the Force's "e-Report Room" are handled properly, a workflow system has been designed to automate the whole follow-up process.

Under the system, an e-report will be routed through Police Headquarters' Communications Centre to the corresponding police formation, which will then create a case in the Formation Information Communal System. The workflow system will then request for the relevant report number and refer it back to the informant through an e-mail message.

As part of the on-going e-government initiative, the e-Police Division (EPOL) of Information Technology Branch launched the "e-Report Room" on the Force's Homepage in 2002 for members of the public to make minor reports via the Internet.

The "e-Report Room" has not only saved the need to visit a police station in person, but also increased the efficiency of the whole reporting process. Currently 10 types of minor reports can be made to the "e-Report Room" in both Chinese and English. These include lost property reports, complaints against police, fixed penalty ticket complaints and noise complaints. Among the e-reports, lost property accounts for the highest usage rate with an average of 250 reports received per month.

The EPOL Division will continue striving for progress in the area of e-government with a view to improving services and efficiency through the development of e-policing.

The "e-Repont Room" has saved the need to visit a police station in person

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