Interpol Division hosts training course |
The Interpol Division of the Liaison Bureau hosted an Interpol training seminar and workshop last month to focus on the new and highly advanced Interpol communications system known as the I-24/7. A total of 32 delegates from eight member states and regions participated in the function, comprising Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, the Mainland and Macao. The training course offered Interpol officers from Asia an opportunity to learn how to effectively operate the new system, while the workshop, which was held simultaneously, provided the Heads of Asian Interpol Bureaux with a chance to discuss the future requirements of the system with staff from the Interpol Secretariat General. The I-24/7 system, which was launched by the Interpol Secretary General early last year, is a secure global network using Internet protocols and state-of-the-art security technology. It replaces the much antiquated and expensive X400 system, which was based on a dedicated leased line system. The new system allows for the rapid, efficient and secure exchange of criminal intelligence data among Interpol member countries in real time, and provides the international law enforcement community with a very effective tool in the battle against transnational crime. In particular, the system provides for the exchange of documents such as fingerprints, photographs, and other important information on wanted persons in a matter of seconds. Currently a total of 85 of the 181 Interpol member countries have gone live on the new system, including Hong Kong, which was the first bureau in Asia to roll out in February 2003. During the opening ceremony of the training seminar and workshop, the Director of Crime and Security, Mr Chau Foo-cheong said: "The I-24/7 system presents nothing less than a catalytic technology change for Interpol member states, providing a more efficient, secure, and cost effective means of communication." Both the training seminar and the workshop went extremely well, with the I-24/7 Programme Director, Mr Stanley Morris, praising the Liaison Bureau for its hard work and excellent preparation skills, and stating: "Yet again the Hong Kong Police have proven that they are second to none in terms of hospitality, generosity and professionalism."
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