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簡單的英語(Simple English) |
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有些同事以英文撰寫公文時,常會將簡單的字句複雜化。例如 "The proposal of this project has been appendixed herewith." 一句,它其實可以 "Please refer to the attached project proposal." 代替的。再看 "This proves true only in the case in which more than three tests were performed." 這一句,"in the case in which" 應以 "when" 代替的。更差的一句是“Thank you for your invitation inviting me to the annual dinner.",我們應刪去 "inviting me" 兩字。 由以上可見,簡潔的表達方式,除了令讀者更易理解文意外,又可避免誤解,更可感受作者的誠意。現在就讓我們動動腦筋,刪改下列詞句吧! 第四則遊戲 1. At this point in time .... 2. Enclosed herewith .... 3. Due to the fact that .... 4. With regard to .... 5. In the event that .... 6. Despite the fact that he called .... 7. We came to a realisation that .... 8. We've given due consideration to the fact that .... 9. We have made a decision not to attend .... 10. How can we deal with the problems we are facing? 請於二月二十五日前把答案連同姓名、職位、所屬單位及聯絡電話,以派遞方式送交警政大樓西翼二十六樓警察翻譯主任事務課收,封面請註明「語文天地」。每期得獎名額三個,每位得獎者可得乙張書券(面值一百元)。(答案必須由參賽者手寫,印刷及影印本恕不接受。) 上期語文天地答案 : (1) got over (2) went over (3) look into (4) takes after (5) waited on (6) took back (7) go through (8) get along with (9) look up to (10) talked back to 得獎者是: HO Siu-kei(PPRB)、TAM Wai-yi (PPRB)、蔡巧明(東九龍交通部) (內容由警隊善用兩文三語工作小組提供)
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