New guidelines in force for elder abuse cases | ||
The "Procedural Guidelines for Handling Elder Abuse Cases" have taken effect since March 1 with the aim of co-ordinating multi-disciplinary efforts among various professionals to better protect and safeguard the well-being of the elderly.
The guidelines have been drawn up pursuant to the Chief Executive's Policy Address in 2001.
Elder abuse can take the forms of physical abuse, psychological abuse, neglect, embezzlement of property, abandonment and sexual abuse. Elder means a person of 60 years of age and above.
A multi-disciplinary Core Support Group was established in 2002, where the Child Protection Policy Unit (CPPU) represents the Force. It took two years to formulate and finalise the guidelines, starting with a research on the elder abuse phenomenon in Hong Kong by the Hong Kong Christian Service, followed by a pilot scheme to try out the guidelines in selected divisions, namely Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung and Cheung Sha Wan.
The Central Information System for Elder Abuse Cases with a computerised database system has also been established to assist the Administration to formulate development strategies to tackle elder abuse. The system is maintained by the Social Welfare Department.
Prior to implementation of the guidelines, a briefing session was organised by the Core Support Group on February 5 for 600 representatives from relevant disciplines, including social welfare, medical and nursing, as well as 70 officers from the Force. During the briefing session, Woman Chief Inspector Queenie Wong Siu-hing from CPPU was one of the speakers and gave an outline of the police procedures and the points other professionals should bear in mind when facing a suspected elder abuse case. The participants found the briefing session informative and very useful.
Ms Wong has reminded all frontline officers to be compassionate, patient and impartial when handling elder abuse cases, noting that the key to effective actions is to work together for the welfare of the elders. The Procedural Guidelines have been uploaded to the Knowledge Management Database on POINT, so that officers can easily draw reference to the procedures and download the relevant documents.
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