Officers acquire essential first aid qualification |
Twenty-four officers have acquired an additional first aid qualification after attending a Pre-hospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) course jointly offered by the Force and the Hong Kong St. John Ambulance.
The officers, coming from Special Duties Unit, Airport Security Unit, Security Wing and Training Wing, have been awarded PHTLS certificates issued by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT), after passing a written examination and a series of practical assessments. The PHTLS course, designed and accredited by the NAEMT and the American College of Surgeons, is normally attended by hospital medical staff and paramedics. The course is set at a very high level and is designed to assess students' knowledge in handling serious injury cases where immediate life-saving treatment is required. Before treatment can be given, each case must be assessed correctly and for that reason the course stressed the importance of sound theoretical knowledge of subjects such as kinematics of injury, physiology and pathophsicology of trauma. During practical assessments, they are tested for their ability to carry out injury assessments, spinal immobilisation and airway management of trauma patients. Prior to taking their examination, the 24 officers, who are already qualified advanced first aiders, had undergone two full days of practical exercises and revision of theory, which were conducted at St. John Ambulance Headquarters and co-ordinated by the First Aid Team of Learning Support Division of Training Wing. Practicing doctors, nursing staff and paramedics, who are qualified PHTLS instructors and are working in Accident & Emergency Departments or the Ambulance Service, provided instruction of the course. All officers had worked hard for their examination, and had achieved a 100 per cent pass rate. They hope that the training they have received would be beneficial to their specialist units. Based on the success of the course, another one has been planned for later in the year.
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