Contents Highlights

Smart dogs, smart officers make good partners


Police dogs have been trained to detect and distinguish the scents of persons. Last month, seven-year-old Teddy and four-year-old Shing Shing sniffed out two illegal immigrants (IIs) hiding in the undergrowth on a slope next to Lam Tei Reservoir in Tuen Mun.


A Police Dog Unit officer giving his partner outdoor training

Teddy and Shing Shing, along with their handlers, Police Constables Chan Hin-pong and Lau Chun-yip respectively from Platoon No. 3 of Emergency Unit New Territories North, were dispatched to the scene, following a report that a hiker had been robbed by two male IIs near the reservoir.

Recalling the arrest, the Constables said that just as they feared they might have to return to base empty-handed despite an extensive sweep of steep slopes and thick bushes, their canine partners barked fiercely near a slope next to the reservoir.

"We immediately knew Teddy and Shing Shing have made the grade! Together with the other platoon officers, we combed the area and flushed out two IIs from their hideout," they added.

Immediately after the arrest, the Duty Controller complimented the platoon on the radio for a job well done. Later in the evening, another II was arrested in the second round of search.

Both PCs Chan and Lau were proud of their partners' good work, and rewarded them with their favourite dish of beef.

Through constant care, affection and fieldwork over the years, PCs Chan and Lau have established with their partners a good rapport that is essential to their discharge of duties.

For PC Lau, his relationship with Shing Shing is more than that of a working partner. He still remembers an incident, in which "Shing Shing" went to his aid when a man suddenly set on him in Sha Tin. "Shing Shing immediately jumped on the man and protected me from further blows," he recalled.

Both officers are animal lovers, keeping different pets at home. Even on leave, they would apply for permission to take their partners home. They said they might consider "adopting" Teddy and Shing Shing after the latters' retirement.

PC Lau (right) and PC Chan with their good partners

Editor: Peter Tiu: 2866-6171
Reporters: Chris Cheung: 2866-6172
Tony Au Yeung: 2866-6173
Photographers: Benny Ho: 2866-6174
Almon Suen: 2866-6174
Fax: 2866-4161
Address: OffBeat, PPRB, 4/F, Harcourt House,
39 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
Deadline for next edition: August 31

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