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Knowledge and Techniques of Data Input in Excel (6)

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Before long, I mentioned that the data in Excel spreadsheets could be generally classified into "constant"and "formula". Since I have just finished explaining the knowledge and techniques of inputting "constant", I will elaborate on the issue of inputting "formula" in Excel from this episode onwards.

To facilitate my explanation, please first create the following worksheet:

The "AutoSum"Button ( )

When you press the "AutoSum"button, Excel will add the numeric values in the row leftwards or the column upwards and display the sum in the cell immediately after the range.

Therefore, you may follow the steps below to calculate the total number of crime cases in 2002:

1. Select cell G2.

2. Press the "AutoSum" button.

As mentioned above, Excel will normally add the numeric values in the row leftwards or the column upwards, but this may not be applicable to all situations. So you may see "=SUM (B2:F2)"in the result cell instead. This indicates the "SUM"function with the parameter "B2:F2". In addition, it means that Excel will add the numeric values in the range "B2:F2"and request your confirmation. If this is not what you want, you may change the range for the addition; otherwise, you can just press <Enter> to confirm it.

3. Press <Enter> to obtain the following result:

The "Cell Range"for AutoSum

You can also specify the "Cell Range"for addition and the cell for displaying the sum first before pressing the "AutoSum"button.

Hence you can calculate the total number of crime cases in 2003 by another way as follows:

1. Specify the cell range "B3:G3"for calculation.

2. Press the "AutoSum"button and then cancel the range selection. Since you have specified the result cell when you selected the above range, the result will be displayed in cell G3 directly after you have pressed the "AutoSum"button.

"Multiple Cell Ranges"for AutoSum

Apart from specifying a particular range for AutoSum, you may also specify several ranges at the same time and then press the "AutoSum"button to calculate the respective sum of each range.

We need to use the above worksheet again. If you need to calculate the total numbers of crime cases in 2002 and 2003 at the same time, you may follow the steps below:

1. Select the cell range "B2:G3".

2. Press the "AutoSum"button and then cancel the range selections to obtain the following result:

Next time, I will talk on ways to create simple mathematical formulas.

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