"Thank You" from the public

1 Photo

Appreciation from
Service commended
PC Wong Pong-hang of EU/NTN Platoon 4 Chief Fire Officer (NT), Fire Services Department Resourcefulness and initiative in putting out a fire in Yuen Long
RCU 4B/KW Family of a murder victim Solving a murder and taking good care of the victim's family members
ACO Lo Wing-chiu and officers of WF DIV A Filipino visitor Helping the Filipino visitor in recovering his personal belongings
IP Chiu Wing-fu, SGT Choi Kit-sang and PC Lee Yik-chung of DVIT 3 C DIV A local resident and two Japanese citizens Helping the Japanese citizens in settling a dispute with a local bank
Sgt Wong Shiu-ming of DTT ST DIST A motorist from Tai Po Kau Helping and guiding the motorist to Sha Tin Height

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