News of IPA HKSAR Section |
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The HKSAR Section of International Police Association (IPA) will hold its Annual General Meeting at 7 pm on Friday, October 15 at the Police Sports and Recreation Club. The agenda of the meeting will include consideration of a new Constitution and voting for a new Executive Committee (EC). A barbecue at $75 per person will follow the AGM. Those who are interested may contact Secretary Annie Wan on 2886-6664, Fax 2513-7337, or e-mail The World IPA Convention 2004 was held from August 30 to September 5 at Brno in the Czech Republic, with representatives from 58 sections attending. President Chris Bilham represented the Hong Kong Section at the meeting. Dr Hermann Castilho, an Associate Member from Macau, attended as an observer. Next year's IPA Conference will be held in Dublin, also from August 30 to September 5. The Irish have a great reputation for organising good parties and this one should be a great success. IPA members are welcome to attend, and more information will be available from EC members. Mr John Waumsley, the International Secretary General, has advised that it is likely that the Permanent Executive Bureau will soon recognise Macau as a Section-in-Foundation. The Section would then be on track for affiliation as a separate Section, perhaps as early as next year. Meanwhile, the Hong Kong Section is currently revising and up-dating its membership list. Members are requested to give notice of their current address, e-mail address and posting by contacting Assistant Secretary (Membership) Jack Tam (PEN:, e-mail: The Hong Kong Section will soon have to vacate its clubhouse in the annex of Central Police Station and move to the 7th floor in the north wing of Caine House.
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