Further reduction in Police indebtedness

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The latest half-yearly survey on Police indebtedness shows a further reduction in the number of "officers with unmanageable debts" (OUDs) and bankrupt officers.

As at the end of June this year, the total number of OUDs dropped to 230, representing a decrease of 43 cases or 16 per cent, compared with the second half of 2003 - back to the level in 2001. Amongst the OUDs, 121 are bankrupt officers, showing a drop of 26 per cent or 42 cases less, compared with the second half of 2003.

The number of new bankrupt cases also dropped from 11 in the second half of 2003 to seven in the first half of 2004, a decrease of 36 per cent, apparently better than the territory-wide trend of 12 per cent.

Senior Superintendent (Staff Relations) Wong Wai-fung said the Force management views the trend as a sign of Force members' awareness of the importance of financial prudence and their understanding of Force policy on officers' indebtedness.

He added: "It is important to note that the current encouraging situation cannot be achieved without the unfailing support and co-operation of commanding officers at all levels in line with Force Policy and the Administration Instructions on the Management and Prevention of Police Indebtedness.

"Training and Staff Relations Officers (TSROs) and other staff in Formations have spared no efforts to work closely with Staff Relations Group in promoting awareness of financial prudence among Force members, and encouraging them to seek early assistance.

"Formation Commanders, Divisional Commanders and supervisory officers at different levels have undoubtedly instilled on all a clear message of the serious consequences of indebtedness due to financial imprudence. They have also remained vigilant to indications of indebtedness among officers under their command."

Mr Wong also thanked staff associations for strongly supporting the "early intervention approach" by referring members in need to a local financial institution that offers a special consolidation scheme for officers before their indebtedness become unmanageable.

"The downward trend is the success of the collective efforts by officers at various levels in terms of effective education and early identification and intervention. To sustain the descending trend, the Force will continue to prevent Police indebtedness through education by organising more seminars on financial prudence and related issues for Force members to enhance the concept of good financial management," he noted.

Mr Wong went on to say that the Working Group on the Prevention and Management of Police Indebtedness (WG), set up in 2002, would continue with its existing initiatives in dealing with the problem. These include maintaining the "Financial Helpline" to provide a one-stop service for officers in debts by offering advice on Force policy, debt rescheduling, discipline matters, and services available within and outside the Force relating to indebtedness without disclosing the officers' identities.

Noting that the WG would explore further initiatives, Mr Wong pointed out that its outreaching visits to frontline supervisory officers and middle management since 2003 had improved communication between Force Management and Formations, and enabled the WG to properly assess the extent of Police indebtedness and to explore effective measures to tackle the problem.

"Whilst it's encouraging to see the healthy downward trend of Police indebtedness, maintaining a clean and honest Police Force is the ultimate responsibility of every Force member who should continue to contribute to cultivating a culture of prudent financial management and healthy lifestyle within the Force," Mr Wong concluded.

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