A new venture for Wan Chai JPC |
Wan Chai Junior Police Call (JPC) members had their first encounter with youngsters from ethnic minority groups when they paid their first-ever orientation visit to a junior congregation at the Oi Kwan Road Hong Kong Islamic Centre last month. The main objective of the visit was to provide the ethnic minority youngsters with a brief introduction of the Hong Kong Police and JPC activities. It was also an initiative of the JPC members to enhance the youngsters' sense of belonging to society, arouse their awareness of helping the Police fight crime and promote the cause of JPC - a youth organisation which is open to every youngster in Hong Kong. Accompanied by staff of the Wan Chai District Police Community Relations Office, the JPC members met with over 60 Islamic children of various ethnic origins, mainly Pakistani aged between nine and 16. Both parties soon broke the ice and enjoyed a Sunday afternoon of laughters and fun. At the end, everyone was fascinated by that unusual first encounter. The JPC members were actually slightly overtaken by the enthusiastic participation of the Islamic kids, and the harmonious atmosphere created through games and dialogues, with the assistance of some interpretation and use of the universal body language. Wan Chai JPC Leader Jenny Yam Kit-ping, MC of the event, found the day's experience very rewarding. "What impressed me most was that, through playing games and sharing fun, a friendly relationship was cultivated among all of us. We were taught a lot about their culture and lifestyle; we learned how to say 'hello' in their language, which is 'salaam' (pronounced as sa-larm). To my surprise, they looked extremely interested in becoming JPC members and have given us some suggestions regarding the kinds of activities they would like us to provide for them. The entire event was truly an unforgettable and enjoyable experience for all of us," Jenny noted. |
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