Staff creativity and professionalism rewarded |
Fifty-three disciplined and civilian officers have been honoured for making a total of 30 submissions to the Police Staff Suggestions Scheme. Of the officers, 41 have been presented with Gold Award Certificates, two with Silver Award Certificates, two with Letters of Appreciation and eight with Award Certificates issued under the Police Staff Motivation Scheme. In addition, the gold award winners have also received cash prizes ranging from $500 to $1,000. The prizes were presented at a ceremony held at Arsenal House Auditorium on December 4 by Director of Management Services Mike Dowie, Assistant Commissioner (Service Quality) Wong Doon-yee, and Deputy Head of Efficiency Unit David Pao. Speaking at the prize presentation ceremony, Mr Dowie said that since its inception in 1994, the suggestions scheme had received wide and enthusiastic support. Over the past 10 years, more than 3,300 suggestions were received, including the 373 proposals received this year alone. "I am most impressed with the innovation shown by staff and their commitment to continuous improvement," he noted. Mr Dowie pointed out that the Police Staff Suggestions Committee had selected the award winners after careful scrutiny and deliberation. After the ceremony, Mr Wong reiterated that the staff suggestion scheme was aimed at encouraging staff to constantly seek improvements by coming up with suggestions that would improve efficiency, work procedures and practices, as well as work output. Referring to a presentation on some of the award-winning suggestions, Mr Wong said: "We're not expecting ground-breaking suggestions but something like what are on display here, something which is practical and useful." To facilitate on-line submission and processing of staff suggestions, the new On-Line Staff Suggestion Form has now been rolled out on POINT. The form has been developed by Service Enhancement Unit of Service Quality Wing in partnership with the E-POL Team of Information Systems Wing. A new blue icon "Submit Staff Suggestion" has been added to the front page of POINT, not only to allow officers to input their ideas in the web Staff Suggestion Form, but also to offer a link from within the form to the Police Staff Suggstions Database to enable officers to check whether similar ideas have been made in the past. Those wishing to make a suggestion under the Staff Suggestion Scheme may click the "Submit Staff Suggestion" icon. After details of the suggestion have been entered, officers simply click the "Submit" button to send their ideas to SQW for further processing.
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