Tips for Smart Cops Series
"Safe Custody of Detained Persons"

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1. A Duty Officer (DO) shall ensure that the particulars of every person detained in his custody are recorded in the Communal Information System (CIS) when the person is first put in a cell or a Temporary Holding Area (THA).

2. For persons detained in station cells or temporarily removed from cells under escort, a brief description of the persons' clothing is to be entered in the CIS.

3. The DO shall ensure that there are never only two detained persons in a cell or THA, but one or three or more.

4. The DO shall personally supervise the searching of all cells and persons detained there at least once per shift. He shall also make an OB entry after this has been completed.

5. Whenever there is a person detained in custody, a DO or,if he is unavailable, an ADO, is to visit the cells at a frequency of at least once per hour. Each hour is to be counted from the time the DO commences duty.

6. Having completed the visit mentioned at tip 5, the DO or ADO shall record the visit in the OB stating the number of detained persons in the cells and whether everything is in order.

7. In a station where individual cells do not open direct into the Report Room, the DO will order a PC to check the detained persons and inspect the cells at regular intervals not exceeding 25 minutes.

8. Having completed the check mentioned at tip 7, the PC shall report his findings to DO and record details of the visit in the OB. The DO will thereafter endorse these findings as appropriate.

(This column is contributed by the Complaints and Internal Investigations Branch)

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